I attended a lecture at St Peter's school where Professor Jeff Forshaw (co-author of several books with Professor Brian Cox) gave a talk on quantum physics.
It was a thoroughly enjoyable talk and I absolutely loved it! We learned about how electrons behave, quarks, leptons, the Higgs boson, and many more. It was such a fascinating talk, especially for a physics geek like me!
At the end of the talk, we had the opportunity to ask questions. This was great because it showed how little we actually know, people were asking Professor Forshaw numerous questions and sometimes, the answer was "I don't know," which really just shows how much there is yet to discover.
After the talk, I bought a book by Professor Forshaw and Professor Cox entitled 'Why does E=mc²?" Professor Forhsaw was signing books and I got the opportunity to talk to him! I got mistaken for an A Level student (I'm only 13)! I got my book signed too!
That sounds great.